How to Master Your Inner Dialogue for Empowerment

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Today we delve into the realm of our innermost conversations—the ones we have with ourselves, our inner dialogue.

We’ve journeyed together through the landscapes of self-friendship and happiness, uncovering the tools and strategies that bring joy and wellness into our lives. Yet, there’s an intimate conversation that underlies all of this, a dialogue of our thoughts and beliefs, shaping how we see ourselves and our potential. This is the realm of empowerment, and it begins with the voice inside.

In this episode, we’re going to discover how the words we say to ourselves can lift us to new heights or chain us down. We’ll learn to harness the power of positive self-talk, to transform your doubt into triumphs, and to create an empowering narrative for our lives. Together, we’ll master the conversations that matter most—the ones we have with ourselves.

The Power of Inner Dialogue

I’ve touched on this dialogue before, the inner voice. It is the stream of thoughts that narrates our life stories. It influences our beliefs, decisions, and emotions, actions and results, often without us even being aware.

But what if we could harness this inner dialogue and use it to empower ourselves? The truth is, we can. Our inner dialogue can be a powerful ally. When it’s positive, it can bolster our confidence, motivate our actions, and fuel our aspirations.

Think about the times when you’ve faced a challenge and a voice within you said, ‘You’ve got this.’ That’s your inner dialogue working to lift you up. Conversely, when that voice casts doubt, telling you, ‘You can’t do this,’ it can just as easily pull you down.

I remember last summer, driving in St. Lucia. I don’t enjoy driving at the best of times, and this was no it. It was raining buckets, I was driving on the left side of the road, I was in a small car on vacation, and driving up a steep incline with several hairpin bends. It’s no exaggeration to say that I was terrified. I turned off the radio and kept repeating one refrain to myself “slow and steady wins the race.” I may not be a tortoise but this refrain worked for me. It got me to my first destination, and it gave me the strength to get back into the car and drive another 40 minutes to my next destination. I was afraid, but that little voice kept me company the whole way.

Mastering our inner dialogue is about tuning into this voice and gently steering it towards empowerment. In every moment, you can shift the narrative from self-criticism to self-encouragement. I could easily have thought about all the things that were going wrong when I was driving, but none of that would have helped my frame of mind. It’s about celebrating our strengths, affirming our worth, and approaching our weaknesses with compassion. I’ve already mentioned these themes in the series and I’m sure it’ll come up again. Because they are three essential practices in cultivating a strong, healthy relationship with yourself.

When you master your dialogue by intentionally making space for thoughts that serve you, it’s not just positive thinking. Rather, it’s a transformative practice that can lead to real, tangible changes in your life.

So, as we move forward, let’s be mindful of the words we use with ourselves. Let’s choose words that build rather than break, that encourage rather than discourage. Because the dialogue you foster within yourself can set a strong or a weak foundation that you can build on in building the life that you want.

Techniques for Positive Self-Talk

Have you been paying attention to your self talk? Is it more helpful to you or does it encourage your fears? Start from where you are but also understand that our inner dialogue holds immense power over our sense of self.

Once you have a sense of your current habits of self talk, let’s shift our focus to the techniques that can cultivate positive self-talk. These are tools we can all use to transform the tone and content of our internal conversations.

The first technique that I want to mention is one that I’ve shared before as well, the practice of mindfulness. What makes mindfulness powerful is that it allows you to be able to observe your thoughts. When we witness our thoughts without judgment, we create space to choose which ones to engage with and which ones to let pass without believing them.

Another powerful method is the use of affirmations—positive statements that can reprogram our mindset. For instance, instead of telling yourself ‘I can’t handle this,’ affirm ‘I can do hard things.’ Repeating these affirmations can anchor them in your reality.

Another practice is cognitive restructuring, which involves challenging and changing negative thought patterns. When a self-defeating thought arises, ask yourself, ‘Is this really true?’ More often than not, you’ll find that these thoughts are based on fear, not fact.

And let’s not forget the mirror technique. Standing before a mirror, look into your own eyes and offer words of encouragement and support as you would to a dear friend. It may feel awkward at first, but it’s a profound way to strengthen self-compassion. Beverly Mapagany talked about this method for self-love in episode 67 of the podcast.

By integrating these techniques into your daily routine, (yes, this word routine comes up again) you’ll begin to notice a shift in your inner dialogue. It will take time and practice, but the result is a more empowered and positive conversation that supports your journey to building the life that you want.

Creating an Empowering Narrative

In episode 80, Daralyse Lyons talks about the power of story in creating your reality and your identity. In fact, everything that you believe is a story, a narrative that you create from the facts of a situation. The two of us can see the same circumstance and create completely different stories. To create an empowering narrative takes intention in the way that we look at who we are and who we aspire to be.

Start by recognizing your life’s milestones, both big and small, and the strengths that helped you achieve them. These are milestones of success, and they are signposts that you can use for crafting an empowering story.

Next, consider the language you use in self-reflection. Replace words like ‘failure’ with ‘learning’ and ‘weakness’ with ‘area for growth.’ Language has power, and the words you choose can shape your self-perception and, in turn, your actions.

Then, envision the future. Where do you see yourself, and what are the qualities you want to embody? Write them down. Speak them out loud. Imagine or visualize yourself in that future. All of these practices can energize you to enhance your narrative in a way that propels you forward.

Remember, you are the author of your story. You get to write it so choose your words with intentionality so that your narrative is an empowering one that supports your journey of growth and self-discovery.

Overcoming Negative Patterns

As we journey through life with our internal narratives, we sometimes encounter negative patterns that can disrupt our path to empowerment. These patterns often manifest as recurring, self-defeating thoughts that can hold us back from our dreams.

To overcome these negative patterns, we must first become aware of them. Pay attention to the triggers and the context in which these thoughts arise. This awareness is the first step toward change.

Once identified, challenge these patterns with evidence from your own experiences. For every negative thought, remind yourself of 5 counterexamples where you succeeded or demonstrated resilience.

Another strategy is to consciously replace negative thoughts with positive ones. The new thought has to be one that you believe, but that serve you rather than disempowers you or holds you back. Generating these thoughts intentionally, routinely over time will let you reprogram the habitual pathways of your mind.

Engage in activities that naturally boost your mood and self-esteem, such as exercise, creative endeavors, or volunteering. These experiences can provide a new perspective and disrupt the cycle of negativity.

Lastly, be patient with yourself. You’re not a bad person if you have self-defeating thoughts. Those types of thoughts are completely normal, and habitual. So expect it to take time, sometimes a lot of time, to change your inner voice. You might find that you do very well except there’s one circumstance where you revert completely to your old thoughts. That’s okay. In fact, it’s expected. Celebrate each victory where you generate a thought that inspires or motivates you to take action to build the life that you want. Celebrate even the smallest progress, as it will reinforce the idea that you have the ability and the strength to rewrite your story into a more empowering one.


My invitation this week as for you to deliberately practice one positive thought this week. Keep it simple and use the same thought all week long, one that you believe and find empowering and motivating. Write it down, say it aloud, and let it resonate within you. I’d love it if you share your thought with me on Instagram on the changesbigandsmall account.

Listener Question

How do I handle the pressure of societal expectations when trying to live a life that’s aligned with my personal happiness?

Remind yourself that your path to happiness is yours alone and may not align with anyone else’s. Reflect on your values and what happiness means to you, as we’ve discussed in the past episode.

When you feel external pressures mounting, turn to the techniques we’ve explored: grounding yourself in positive affirmations, engaging in mindfulness to stay true to your course, and using gratitude to appreciate your unique journey.

Remember, your inner dialogue has the power to either protect you from the pressures of societal expectations or to amplify them. Choose to empower yourself with words that support your happiness and well-being.


How do you feel about mastering your inner dialogue? If you get one takeaway from this episode, remember that the words that you whisper to yourself can have an immense impact in your life. Even when your self talk may not be true, that doesn’t prevent it from feeling very real. And when something feels real, it has the ability to affect your life.

In the next episode, we will go deeper into the topics of mindfulness and self-appreciation. We’ll learn how to be present with our thoughts, feelings, and actions, and how to cherish the person in each moment.

You can connect with Damianne on the Changes BIG and small website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube. You’re also invited to join the Changes BIG and small Facebook community.

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